Thursday, November 13, 2014

Getting Ahead on Nothing

            Today, November 13, I opened the New York Daily News and found on page 3 a virtually nude frontal photo of Kim Kardashian, with a couple dots covering the most revealing areas. This has gone way beyond good taste and common sense, for both the paper and the person.

            For the paper, it is as if it is now a soft porn tabloid. Since this is a paper read by all ages, this is definitely extremely poor taste and should stop immediately.

            As far as the person is concerned, I have two overriding questions – exactly what does she do? For what is she famous? The answer that I can give to both, in my opinion, is – nothing.

            She was in a reality series (reality series – another item which is not actually reality [something I may come to in another post]) with her family. Beyond that, she seems to exist only in one photo after another, day after day, month after month, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. It’s as if the day is not complete without at least a couple hundred pictures being shot before she can call it a day’s work. If you can call it work. I don’t believe you can call her a model, but the jury is still out on that.

Not only must there be continual photos of herself, but of her child, North. That’s another one. How can anyone name a child North? I hope the child comes to her senses one day and changes her name. I can just see her going hiking and someone asks in what direction they should go and someone says northwest, and she yes, “What do you want?”

            Not only does Miss Kardashian, or Mrs. Kanye West, dress in outrageous clothes, but now she is dressing he daughter in the same brazen outfits. To me, this is extremely poor taste in fashion. I can’t imagine what the child must feel, if she does understand it yet.

            Going back to the photo in the Daily News, just why is it necessary for her to be pictured like this? Granted fashion has nothing to do with this. But to go nude? I am afraid to find out what the next step will be. I see no reason other than to try to get even more millions of people into her circle of admirers. I, for one will never be included. I find it ridiculous to go to such lengths just to increase a fan base for someone who, going back to my initial question, does what exactly?

            She has a multitude of fans. I will never question that. To me it is the manner and the reason why they are fans. I am not one and I don’t foresee ever becoming one. For me, in order to have a fan base, you need to do something to be admired. Therefore, either I am missing the point with Kim Kardashian or I am right and have missed nothing. That is, she is famous for doing nothing except for being very attractive and that people want to emulate her.

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