John Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to address Congress, clearly a
foreign policy decision. Now 47 GOP senators have signed a letter telling
Iran that any agreement they reach with Obama is good only until the end of
this term and would be seen as no more than an executive decision between
President Obama and the Ayatollah Khamenei; more foreign policy.
are traitorous decisions. Under the Logan Act of 1799, last amended in 1994, executive
power to engage in foreign policy is only
vested with the President. It forbids and unauthorized citizens from
negotiating with foreign governments. The intent is to prevent US citizens
without authorization from interfering in relations between the US and foreign
governments. A violation is punishable under Federal law is a felony and is punishable
up to three years in prison. Therefore, by law, all the 47 GOP senators and
Boehner should be impeached and thrown unceremoniously into jail.
seems that Mr. Boehner and the rest of the GOP believe that since Mr. Obama cannot
be re-elected, he is no longer a recognized president and that Mr. Boehner
thinks he is taking control of the government. This again is treason. Nothing
more, nothing less. This could be a dangerous precedent for the future. It is
up to the Democrats to stand up and prevent this take-over. The quicker they
act, the better for this country.
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